Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Look at me


Who walked up these stairs? Where did they come from? Where do they lead to?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sunny fall days

The weather man has given us several great sunny days in a row. A trip down Grand River Ave. gave me several interesting shooting venues. The first is a bright red deserted gas station.

Broken windows, shovel, and art work by taggers.

St. Marys of Redford - built in 1925.

Remember when a bell was rung to call students to class.

A larger then life creature.

If your are looking for beads - visit
Dabl's/Perett's Beads
6559 Grand River, Detroit, MI

It was a fun trip down the river. All shots taken with Canon 7D and processed in Lightroom 2.5.

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