Sunday, December 13, 2009

Still Models


Hire a model to pose and of course she or he will have to move. It is difficult to hold a pose still for long periods of time. This store window gave the perfect place to use the dummy model. The dummy model of course never moves.





Camera – G10, processing Lightroom.

Thanks for looking and while you are looking see this – I can capture your next event for you. “My photos are some of your very best memories.”

Angels at the Mall


If one looks around at any Mall trip at this time of year, you will find angels. Here are two examples.




Just look around and you will find them also.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Shopping at the Mall

Christmas shopping can be trying or if you bring a camera, fun. While my wife and I spent several hours walking (and some shopping), we visited several interesting and visually stimulating shops. One of the shops had quit a collection of eastern ‘art’. Here are a few of the featured pieces.



All photos taken with a Canonn G10 and processed in Lightroom.
Enjoy you holiday shopping.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Gray early morning shooting

So what if the weather is cold and the sky is gray. Look for color and reflections to fill the frame. I love to do self portraits. Here is one example.

The sun was up a few minutes ago, but clouds have almost covered it. The sky was framed in the window.

 Here is another window framed shot.

 Details of the building material and exterior objects provide a nice contrast.


All shots taken with a Canon G10 and processed in Lightroom.